Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tearing Up The Dance Floor

Saturday night Steve and I went to prom. It's one of the perks of him being a class sponsor, we chaperon prom. Our evening started with a Grand March were Steve introduced all the students. After the march the kids get their pictures taken by the photographer and then everyone heads to Panther Creek for dinner and the dance. I always enjoy this night, it's a fun evening for Steve and I but more than that we get to connect with the kids and other teachers outside of school. It was a wonderful night, the kids had fun (after we had to stop some dancing that was making us adults blush) and I walked away encouraged from some conversation that went one during the dance. I failed at taking pictures, here are a few from the evening.

There were many pictures taken with Steve and kids, I only got to my camera for a few.

I believe th quote during this pictures was "I need extra credit in Calculus".

Steve and Steve doing bouncer duty.

The songs that were played, the moves that I saw...every year I walk away saying Cael is never going to leave the house. :)

Jennifer and I got out on the dance floor for a song or two. We mastered the fist pump and raising the roof. How many high school students can say they dance to Black Eyed Pee's with two "adult" women?!!?

It's no secret that Steve is looking for an administration job or a teaching job that pays for family insurance. When we were leaving Pawnee and headed to the dance that night, it was very surreal that if Steve does get another job we are going miss that place, a whole lot. BUT no need to get sad just yet, we have no clue what God has planned for our future. Pawnee is a great school filled with some incredible kid's! It was fun spending an evening with them!

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