Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo

My dad took Cael and I to the train station at 1:40 am and our train was delayed until 3:00am. Cael was awake and happy for the most part, a few other trains went by and scared the bejeebers of him because they were so loud. When our train finally came he begged me to go into the mens bathroom with him so he could hid. Silly kid. My dad and I had a nice visit while we were waiting for the train, we reminisced a lot about Poppy and Gran. Sweet, sweet memories.

Cael did perfect on the train ride, he always done. Night and day difference from when we would fly. He fell asleep right away and slept until 8 am. It's our tradition on the train that when we get up and have "freshened" up in the changing room, we head down to the snack car and get the train donuts. He loves the, I think they are rather....hum, gross.

Check out my sleepy little train passenger.

Train breakfast - I would venture to say that for Cael this is one of his top 3 favorite things! Because of the train, not the donuts.

He just sits and watches the other trains. He also makes sure that everyone on our train understands that they are on "his" train. People are so nice and often thank him for letting them ride on his train.

We were so excited to see Daddy when we got home, so excited in fact that I plum forgot to take pictures. Grandma and Grandpa called and we met them at Pizza Hut for lunch. Cael had not seen them in a few weeks, so it was nice to be back together. In the end guess who won for getting the best reaction to Cael seeing them? Daddy, Grandpa, Grandma??? Any of those would be great guesses, but nope. It was Gus and Gertie! It was so precious to see his reaction to his baby Gus and Gertie. (yes the child puts baby in front of lots of things now day)

It's nice to back home, but man I miss my family already! Sigh...I hate the miles that keep us separated.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finishing the rest of your story!! I know I've said it before, but I love seeing your blog and the big kid and all your adventures!!! ;-) Cael has really grown so fast in the past few months in my opinion. Can't wait to see his reaction to aunt beth's two babies...I hope you are able to capture it well!!! Love and miss you.
