Sunday, May 8, 2011

Aunt Beth, Uncle Tim and Big Momma Woof's House

I got into Little Rock Saturday morning at 3:10 am....otherwise known as! Beth picked me up and we had a bit of a panic moment when we thought she was at the wrong station. Turns out she was just on the wrong side of the station.
That's a dedicated sister in law, to wake up and pick me up that early!

Saturday night we headed to a baseball game. Cael did pretty good, until Uncle Tim smacked him in the face about 30 seconds into the game. He had some good distractions though, one of them being cotton candy!

This was our view, two rows behind the dugout. You should have seen my son's face when the dancers hopped up on the dugout to dance. He's to young to notice those type of things, isn't he?

Cael was given one of the game balls by a player. When it was handed to him he looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said "It's a real ball". He kept covering one of his eyes with it telling us he had one eye, just like his bear.

I had to bribe him to move the ball from in front of his face.

Aunt Beth put a tattoo of the moose mascot on Cael. Too bad it was so old it didn't work. We had one disappointed boy on our hands!

Lot's of magnetixs were played during out time Little Rock.

Sunday night we went to Cock Of The Walk to eat dinner. Yes that is the name of the is a picture for proof.

It was a fun experience and the food was pretty good!

Fried pickles!! Yumm-o!

Sunday night Tim, Beth and some of their crew went to the musical Hair Spray. Which means that Cael and I spent the evening all along. This is where my brother is saying in his head "Oh get over it Amy" me, he said it in person enough. :)

On Tuesday Beth, Cael and I headed to down town to ride the trolley. Holy smokes it's a pretty funny story. The night we went to the baseball game a trolley drove in front of us and Cael literally freaked out. He started yelling "Beth, Beth, look Beth, it's a Choo Choo". He kept saying it over and over. It was hilarious and we knew a trolley ride was a must. We were sad that Uncle Tim couldn't make it with us.

Cael was so serious the entire time.

We got off the trolley to grab some lunch at a pizza buffet.

Cael and Aunt Beth had fun playing peek a boo with me.

It was a great Chicago style pizza place!

Cael's very first time pushing the cross walk button, pretty exciting stuff!

This is Little Rock's only mime. He stands on the side of the street frozen until you put money in his bucket. I tried to get Cael to give him money but he freaked out on us. He started screaming bloody murder and trying to drag me away. Of course Beth and I are laughing so hard we couldn't really do anything. When the guy started moving he waved at Cael and calmed him down, Cael even shook his hand.
I'm not sure why Cael was so upset, it's not like he's never seen a dancing black male with his face painted white, dressed in all leather and frozen on a pedestal.

We jumped back on the trolley for another ride. Cael cracks me up with his serious faces!

Isn't my sister in law beautiful???

On second thought.......

Riding the trolley is going to be a Little Rock tradition...we loved it!

Uncle Tim built Cael the coolest fort EVER! I failed at taking pictures of it, this is one after it had fallen half way down. It included three mattresses, ten pillows and seat cushions off their couch and five blankets. I'm telling was massive. It had three turns in it and a secret place that I didn't even find until the last day. Many hours were spend playing house, playing with dinosaurs, watching our shadows and playing hide n seek. Tim and Cael even attempted to spend the night in their "house" on the last night. They both feel sounds asleep until Cael woke up at 1am. Thanks Uncle Tim for such a fun fort!

It rained every day. Poured. We had to be creative to keep ourself entertained. There are few more fun stories from our time with Tim and Beth, but right now I am to keep going. So those will have to wait!
We headed to meet MB half way to make the switch. It took us TWO hours to get out of Little Rock. It was insane! The traffic because of the flooding around there is horrible. We had to make a pit stop to help keep us all happy.

Three fun things that I didn't get a picture of:

We went to see Rio in 3D, my very first 3D movie. Tim said he wasn't sure what was more fun, watching my reaction or Cael's. It was really fun and Cael enjoyed it also.

There is a creek behind Tim and Beth's old apartment that we love to go walk along. When it rains it is hight and fast enough that people kayak down it. Needless to say, with all the rain we have had lately the was a full force raging river. One of our favorite things to do is throw a stick in for Mocha to go get. Beth and I were pretty nervous because the water was flowing so fast but Mocha loved it as usual. Cael on the other did not. He was insistent that we "go back now". Mocha would cry when she was in the water fighting the current and Cael wanted nothing to do with it. Did I mention that we while we walked to the creek it was pouring down rain? It was wet and cold but oh so much fun!

Cael has totally been into role playing the past few months. Sometime during our trip and during one of the many pretend games that was played, he decided that Mocha was the "Big Momma Woof". And now Big Momma Woof is her name! It is so, so cute!


Uncle Tim and Aunt Beth...thanks for a wonderful few days with you guys! Thanks for taking such good care of us. WE LOVE YOU!!

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