Sunday, February 27, 2011

Time For a Change

I use to have two blogs. One where I posted more pictures and wrote more about what was happening, and then the year in picture blog. We all know that I have never made it an entire year posting pictures, I was hit and miss. I am more dedicated now than ever to continuing documenting what goes on with our family, hopefully on an almost daily basis.

One of the reason I stopped blogging last year was because it became a source of contention in my marriage. I would find my self right at bed time running around trying to find something to take a picture of and blogging about it when I should have been going to bed with my husband. I have done really well lately at blogging earlier in the evening and not waiting until the last minute. And there are really some days when I have nothing to take a picture of, so I just come up with something that is very random and has no meaning to anything that is really going on in our life.

Lately I have been posting more than one picture and writing more than just a sentence or two, so it seems natural to go away from a picture a day blog back to just a regular blog. But I am saying put, I have changed blogs to many times. And I really do like the picture a day idea. I am just going to make a few small changes. When we printed out my blog from the past year it made me realize I would like something else as the titles for each post besides the date. I am not going to be as strict about having to post pictures the same day. Again, it is my goal to post daily, but if we get home at midnight from our friends house (like we did Friday night) the blog can wait until Saturday (or in this case Sunday). And that is okay! And more times than not there will probably be more than one picture and more writing, which almost means more grammatical and spelling mistakes :). But again that is nothing new, I've been doing that already. I want to change the name from A Year In Pictures 2011, but I have to run that one by my banner maker. Cause it's too darn cute and I am not about to give it up, hopefully that's an easy fix.

Whew..lots of reading, sorry. Now onto the pictures from our weekend.


We, along with the Noggles, went to the Southards for a night of fun! The kids had a blast...they always do. Not one game of Catan or Ticket To Ride was played, very strange for us! Instead we played Tetris, watched numerous (yawn) youtube videos and just sat around and talked. It was a great night!

This picture is SO Evan. Who knows what he was doing, that kids cracks me up. And he knows it, so he goes out of his way to try and make us laugh...which he does very well.

All the kids

Always a funny face picture with these kiddos.


Saturday night we had Justin and Amy over for dinner. We had such a good time visiting with them. I made a mean pot roast if I do say so myself, it was only my second one ever! We were getting ready to play cards when Steve suggested Coldstone, can you guess which one we did?

Justin is absolutely one of our favorite people and Amy is falling right into place! :) We love their relationship and are excited to see how God continues to blesses it!

One of the best parts of the nights...Cael now has two Mamies!! :)

Thanks for making time for us guys, lets do it again soon!

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