Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21st

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Now let's move on.

Beth was packing up to leave Thursday morning to head home after spending the week with us and it hit me that I should be going with her. So after about 10 minutes of deliberating and making some phone calls the decision was made and I was headed to Arkansas. We tried to surprise my parents but my dad ruined it for himself on Thursday and then my brother told my mom on Friday. My family is horrible at keeping secrets! But we have had a great time so far and yesterday was spent with almost the entire family (minus my hubby). We couldn't remember the last time Dad was with all his kids on Father's Day. So while I was missing Steve, it was so nice to spend the day with my Dad...the best Dad ever! :)

Tonight VBS started at Weiner and I am so excited to be here and be part of it! Everyone had such a good time and I am excited to see what the week brings. My camera died and I don't have my battery charger so I am borrowing my brothers Olympus. It's a much nicer camera than I have but proof that Canon is WAY better in the user friendly category. My goal tomorrow is to figure out how to use it...wish me luck.

Here is a picture of two of my favorite girls. They are in the pre-school group and Hopefully tomorrow I will have a picture of Cael enjoying his first VBS ever!

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