Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Sunday I got to do something I haven't done in a very long while....spend time with my mom on Mother's Day. It was wonderful! We didn't have a big lunch because we were all headed to the camp ground for a few nights. The sad thing is that I didn't get a picture of mom with any of us kids. Here are some pictures from our day together, enjoy.

Uncle Tim helped keep Cael busy, they laid on the ground and shot a airplane in the air...over and over.

Beth made her very first red velvet cake, it was in the recipe book that my mom gave us at Christmas. It was Lady's recipe and it was a nice little surprise. Beth said she needs to work on her icing ability but I think she did a fine job. Someone else obviously thought she did good too, because I found this picture on my camera.

After lunch, naps and packing the camper the girls treated mom to a pedicure. It was very nice, especially since we decided to get the premium one. There were a few nice "extras" but we all walked away feeling that we didn't get our monies worth. Oh well, it was fun and now our toes are pretty.

After we ran some errands we headed the camp ground. Things didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked, but hey...that's life!

Cael just sat and took it all in. We decided that this will be our traditional camping picture with Cael and HIS NIECES from now on. So cute!

Ha...I love this picture of MB. It's so real! She is so tired and her belly is stretching big time right now. She is working really hard at growing those babies, and check out that belly! 17 weeks!
I love it!

Super sad this picture didn't turn out, but I still have to include it. Cael was showing us his belly with two babies in it.

Sorry MB, my blog so I get to put this picture in it. She doesn't think it makes her look good. I say she's wrong.

Isn't she a beautiful Momma??

I love the faces Beth gives me! It's my new favorite thing, to make sure I get a weird face from her each time we are together. They will be great for our yearly calendar.

This is Beth, on her THIRD hot dog.

And here are our toes looking all nice and pretty. Too bad I waited until sundown to take the really can't grasp the brightness of those green toes! :)

Let's play a game...which set of toes do not belong?

Hanging out that night around the campfire. Tim was enjoying himself...promise.

This is why there are very few picture of John. I don't even really try anymore.

John and his "sexy" boots.

Not even sure what was going here.

That's better Beth Ann.

This little door in the screen door was perfect for lots of things, mainly for Cael size kisses.

This was us playing cards. Inside. Cool. With the killer bugs NOT attacking us.

Cael's "baby" you can tell he wasn't very happy about it.

Tim and Beth snug as a bug in a rug on their side of the camper.

Once they pulled the curtain on their bed they had a visitor!

My child loved camping. Check out all that dirt! I really don't think he has ever been that dirty!

Hanging around the campfire on night 2.

Cael and his Pop Pop

Dad took Cael to see African Cats, long story short they ended up walking out the first first time "daddy lion" roared at the crocs. This is Cael showing us his roar.

Cael enjoyed having Mugs go camping with us. He nicknamed him "baby woof" to go along with "big momma woof". He would take Mugsly on walks (it was more of a dragging motion and walking) and make sure he would go potty.

Cael and his Grammy!

Mom tried for about five minutes to take a picture of my Dad and I but could not get the camera to focus to take a picture. We were laughing so hard at her. Dad grabbed my camera and was able to take a picture of us right away.

Mom got the camera again, and failed again. I grabbed the camera to show her it really wasn't that hard. This was the result......

Dad made sure we had a nice fire going!

Nothing I love more than a camp fire, expect my family. So, throw my family around a campfire and I am in heaven! It was a nice way to end our trip!

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