Whew...where to begin. Yesterday was one of those days that you just want to forget, for the most part. If you haven't read the post before this, about my hernia, make sure you go do that now!
Here is a break down of how my day went yesterday:
8:30 - Showed up at Lee School to sub as a floater in the special ed high school area.
9:15 - Received a standing dry hump hug (please ask me about this in person, it was one of the most traumatic/hilarious experiences ever. A story that must be told in person). I immediately grabbed my phone to text everyone to tell them what happened and saw that I had a missed a call from my hernia doctor.
9:17 - Listened to my message, in the room with the kids, and my nurse said that they told me the results of my CATscan a little early and that they ended up finding something else. She said I had a large cyst on my right ovary (sorry men...this is the beginning of lots of girl talk). She asked me to call her right back.
9:25 - Told the assistants in the room what was going on and they sent me to make phone calls. Got a hold of the nurse and she told me that they had an appointment for me to go get an ultrasound of my ovary at 3:00. I asked her if she knew the size of the ovary and she said it just had large written beside it.
9:35 - Called the subline and had them find a sub to replace me at noon. Called Steve, my dad and mother-in-law, then sent a text to the rest of my family and some friends.
11:45 - (yes it was a long two hours!) Left the school and called my OB, because if anyone is going to be messing with my ovaries it's going to be her. The way I look at it she is invested in those suckers!
11:50 - Was on my way to meet Tara and got a call from my OB. She sent me right over to get blood work done to confirm or rule out ovarian cancer. What??? Called Steve and my Dad to tell them, my Dad responded with "I am on my way". He said he was coming to Springfield, that way if I got bad news he would be here for us, and if I got good news then we would have a great two days together.
12:15 - Got blood work drawn. Man did I do some serious praying as I saw them carry that blood away.
1:00 - Met Tara and ran some errands. Ate lunch and then we came home to clean a little so I wouldn't have to worry about it later.
3:00 - Tara and I headed for my ultrasound. Holy smokes it hurt! I let out a yelp when she pushed down on the cyst which took her by surprise. She told us that the order had STAT on it so I should be getting the results back soon.
4:00 - Parted ways with Tara and headed home.
4:30 - Decided to call my OB and she if she had my test results back. I had to leave a message.
45 seconds later - Received a phone call from my OB nurse Amy. This is what she had to say after I said hello "Amy, this Amy. You are fine! Your blood work came back just fine". She didn't even give me a chance to respond. We chatted for a few minutes and she told me they were going to wait until they saw the ultrasound to decided how to proceed.
4:40 - Called my dad and had a good cry.
4:50 - Steve came home with Cael. I grabbed Cael and hung on a little longer than normal. My husband wrapped his arms around me and some more tears were shed.
NOT your typical day! It was a roller coaster that I was so glad to hop off of. As Steve says, we aren't out of the woods yet, but things are looking good. To those of you who sent texts and called to check up on and encourage me...THANK YOU a hundred times over. God is good. And He would have been good no matter what the outcome. Thank goodness we have that hope to get us through times like these, and times when the news on the other end of the phones doesn't result in tears of happiness.
My night was topped off with my dad arriving at 7:30!! We met at Buffalo Wild Wings and had a nice dinner just talking and processing everything that had transpired throughout the day. There is just something about having your dad around when things aren't going well. If we had received bad news, having him being by our side would have some how made it a little more bearable.
But as you can tell by the picture below, we were all smiles around the Miller household!

Thank you Jesus!!
To be continued : I will fill you in tomorrow about today. It involved words like, orange sized cyst...you can't hardly wait can you?